November 27, 2022 Worship
GOD IS LIGHT Of one thing we can be certain: our fragile, mortal lives will come to an end. We know neither the day nor the hour. Yet with our hearts enlightened by faith, we know that Christ--our life and our resurrection--is already with us in his word, his baptismal promise, his body and blood, his community of faith. We have been grasped and held for all time with Christ's steadfast love. In these gifts of grace, the people of God rejoice. HYMN:Lost in the Night…………………………………….…..Red 243 CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS HYMN: Brightest and Best……………………………………...Red 303 LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLES “Let there be light!” God’s Word proclaims the coming of the Lord. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the (enemies of darkness gather around me) My heart shall not fear” Psalm 27 Blessed are those who have learned to praise you, who walk in the light of your prese...