May 1st 2022
WELCOME AND ANNOUNCMENTS HYMN: Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia Red 364 CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS Blessed be the holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who forgives all our sin, whose mercy endures forever. Amen. God has given to all nations the repentance that leads to life. Let us come with repentant hearts to the God who makes all things new. SONG: Sanctuary Gracious God, we confess to you all the ways in which we dismiss the resurrection news. Foolish and slow of heart to believe, we turn from others and retreat in fear. Come into our locked rooms and breathe into us your forgiving Spirit. Reawaken our trust and strengthen our hope, that we may be witnesses to your saving power. Amen. Peace be with you, sisters and brothers. In baptism you have received a spirit of adoption; you are God's beloved children. In the name of Christ your sins are forgiven. Rejoice, and welcome this freedom as a gift. Amen. GREETING Alleluia! Christ is risen. Christ is ri...