
Showing posts from May, 2019

June 2, 2019: The Seventh Sunday of Easter

First Lutheran Church Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. -John 17 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN:  "10,000 Reasons" CONFESSION & FORGIVENESS Green p. 56, setting one PSALM 139 HYMN:  "Borning Cry" Red 732 SIGN OF CROSS: DOWN, IN, OUT PRAYER OF THE DAY READING: 1 Corinthians 12 HYMN:  "Lord, Speak to Us" Green 403 GOSPEL READING:  Matthew 25:14-30 CHILDREN COME FORWARD SERMON:  "In  →  Blessings of Talents" OFFERING OFFERTORY:  "We Give Thee" Green vs. 1-2 NICENE CREED & PRAYERS LORD'S SUPPER  LORD'S PRAYER DISTRIBUTION HYMNS: Green 439, 469, Music, Green 406 BLESSING HONOR OUR GRADUATES: Josh, Brett, Kevin, Belle HOMEWORK:  Complete the " ELCA Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool ." Write down your strengths and weakness. God, unite us with your love through Jesus, so our love may flow to others, through Christ. Amen. Calendar of Opportunities See our full calendar...

May 26, 2019: The Sixth Sunday of Easter

First Lutheran Church Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. -John 17 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN:  "I Am the Light of the World" LITURGY  Green 121-124 HYMN:  "You Are the Light of the World" DOWN, IN, AND OUT: Loving God & Our Neighbor HYMN:  "You Are Mine" Red 581 READINGS: Hebrews 1:1-3, John 1-14 HYMN:  "We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus" Red 451 GOSPEL READING: Matthew 28:16-20 CHILDREN COME FORWARD SERMON:  "Down  →  Blessings of Jesus" HYMN:  "Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters" OFFERING PRAYERS LORD'S PRAYER BENEDICTION HYMN:  "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" Red 756 Thank you, God, for your gift of the Spirit. Enable us to be attentive and obedient. In the name of the Risen Lord, Amen.  Calendar of Opportunities See our full calendar online ( or on our mobile app, along with a video/audio recording of Sunday's service and announcements. ...

May 19, 2019: The Fifth Sunday of Easter

First Lutheran Church Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. -John 17 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN:  "Gather Us In" ("Here in This Place") Red 532 LITURGY Green 198-201 HYMN: "All Are Welcome" Red 641 DOWN, IN, AND OUT: Loving God & Our Neighbor READINGS: Deuteronomy 8:1-10, Matthew 4:1-4 CHILDREN COME FORWARD SERMON: "Down --> Blessings of God's word" OFFERING PRAYERS LORD'S PRAYER & LORD'S SUPPER DISTRIBUTION HYMNS: "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word"   Red 517, Music, "What Feast of Love" Red 487, Music, "I Love to Tell the Story" Red 661 BLESSING & BENEDICTION God of love, inspire us to be people of love, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. Calendar of Opportunities See our full calendar online ( or on our mobile app, along with a video/audio recording of Sunday's service and announcements. Sunday, May 19 9:00 Worship 10...

May 12, 2019: The Fourth Sunday of Easter

First Lutheran Church Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. -John 17 GATHERING MUSIC CONFESSION & FORGIVENESS GENESIS 1 HYMN: "Earth and All Stars" Red 731 PSALM 100 WHAT IS STEWARDSHIP? DOWN, IN, AND OUT: Loving God & Our Neighbor HYMN: "This is My Father's World" Green 554   MEN & BOYS COME FORWARD READINGS: Deuteronomy 10:12-21, Matthew 6:25 SERMON HYMN: "For the Beauty of the Earth" Green 561 OFFERING:   choir sings APOSTLES' CREED PRAYERS LORD'S PRAYER BLESSING & BENEDICTION ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN: "All Creatures of our God and King" Green 527 vss. 1, 4, 5, 7 Loving God, we trust in your faithfulness through life's struggles. In Jesus' name. Amen. Calendar of Opportunities See our full calendar online ( or on our mobile app, along with a video/audio recording of Sunday's service and announcements. Sunday, May 12 9:00 Worship 10:15 Bible Study,...

May 5, 2019: The Third Sunday of Easter

First Lutheran Church Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. -John 17 WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS SONGS: “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”, “Light the Fire” CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS SONG:   “Sanctuary” GREETING, KYRIE:   Setting Two spoken Green page 78 HYMN: Red 817 “You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore” PRAYER OF THE DAY READINGS: Acts 9:1-6, Revelation 5:11-14 HYMN: Green 356   “O Jesus, Joy of Living Hearts” GOSPEL: John 21:1-19 APOSTLES’ CREED SERMON OFFERING, PRAYERS LORD’S SUPPER, LORD’S PRAYER HYMNS:   Red 392 (vss. 1-3, 5), Music, Red 393 BLESSING HYMN: Red 836 “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” O God, keep us steadfast in our daily disciplines   of a life of faith. Hear our prayer. Amen. Calendar of Opportunities See our full calendar online ( or on our mobile app. Sunday, May 5 9:00am Worship 10:15am Sunday School, Choir, Bible Study Tuesday, May 7 7:30am Women's Bible Stud...