June 2, 2019: The Seventh Sunday of Easter
First Lutheran Church Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. -John 17 WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN: "10,000 Reasons" CONFESSION & FORGIVENESS Green p. 56, setting one PSALM 139 HYMN: "Borning Cry" Red 732 SIGN OF CROSS: DOWN, IN, OUT PRAYER OF THE DAY READING: 1 Corinthians 12 HYMN: "Lord, Speak to Us" Green 403 GOSPEL READING: Matthew 25:14-30 CHILDREN COME FORWARD SERMON: "In → Blessings of Talents" OFFERING OFFERTORY: "We Give Thee" Green vs. 1-2 NICENE CREED & PRAYERS LORD'S SUPPER LORD'S PRAYER DISTRIBUTION HYMNS: Green 439, 469, Music, Green 406 BLESSING HONOR OUR GRADUATES: Josh, Brett, Kevin, Belle HOMEWORK: Complete the " ELCA Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool ." Write down your strengths and weakness. God, unite us with your love through Jesus, so our love may flow to others, through Christ. Amen. Calendar of Opportunities See our full calendar...