April 28, 2019: The Second Sunday of Easter
WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS SONGS: “New Doxology”, “10,000 Reasons” CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS KYRIE Setting One spoken, Green page 56 GREETING HYMN: Green 143 “Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds” WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: John, Lauren, Jona & Luca Rasmussen, and Jennifer Lee PRAYER OF THE DAY FIRST LESSON: Acts 5:27-32 HYMN: Blue 671 “Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks” vss. 1, 2, 5 GOSPEL: John 20:19-31 APOSTLES’ CREED CHILDREN COME FORWARD SERMON HYMN: Red 379 “Now the Green Blade Rises” OFFERING, PRAYER LORD’S PRAYER, BLESSING HYMN: Red 385 “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing!” Lord Jesus, grant us peace amid our fears and worries. Amen. CALENDAR OF OPPORTUNITIES - April 28 - May 5 Sunday: 9am WORSHIP, 10:15 Sunday School, Choir, Bible Study, New Member Reception Tuesday: 7:30am Women’s Bible Study Wednesday: 6pm Men in Mission Dinner & Meeting, 6-8pm ...